This collection consists of a photograph album entitled, "Tour of Georgia," dating to circa 1910. The majority of the photographs in this album are unidentified. There are images of fishing excursions; swamps; carriages, wagons, and automobiles, houses, collecting naval stores, a lumber yard, families and children, and travelers aboard a ship. Many of the photographs seem to be from excursions or vacations. Included are images of Hermitage Plantation, Thomas county Courthouse in Thomasville, Georgia, an Atlantic Coast Railway car, Savannah, Bonaventure Cemetery, and the grave of Brigadier-General Alexander R. Lawton. It is uncertain if every image in this photo album is from Georgia. Although most of the images appear to be from southern Georgia, there are a few which have northern vegetation that could be northern Georgia or a different state. The three loose photographs that were at the end of the album have been placed in an envelope and kept with the collection. Page numbers were added for clarification.